Why Pinteg
Personal integrity is important, and Data Privacy is vital. Someone needed to step up the game and deliver useful solutions.
– Pinteg decided to be that someone!
Why now
Growing consciousness – 80% of consumers are worried about how their personal data is dealt with by businesses.
Ensure the security of personal data – With the rise in hacker attacks, it is imperative to uphold legal obligations in safeguarding data collected from employees, customers, and other sources.
Increasing fines – The GDPR controls from supervisory authorities are increasing and large fines are being issued to companies and organisations because of non-compliance.
A future market – With an increasing amount of stored and shared data across organisations, the need for effective personal data management is rapidly growing.
GDPR compliance made easy with a tech-based approach
of business leaders experience their current GDPR-tool as unsatisfactory
of customers opt out of companies that do not respect their privacy

Easy enough to
get it done!
With our cloud based software Fairity, we support you step by step through the compliance process of personal data management. Thus ensuring that both legal requirements and customer expectations are met.
Sales partner
Pinteg is your dedicated partner who has a strong desire to make a difference in the Privacy Software Market.
We’re seeking sales partners who want to be part of innovating personal data management for your business or organisation.
Why become our sales partner?
Innovative Privacy-Tech: As Pinteg’s sales partner you’ll always be up to date with the latest data privacy solutions, offering your customers affordable and future-proof technology, in personal data management.
Supportive collaboration: We always strive to create a strong and supportive relationship with our sales partners. We believe in tailored partnerships with favourable agreements and long-term success.
The Data Privacy Software Market is in 2029 valued to USD 26 billion. The expected CAGR 2022-2029 is valued at 41%.
86% businesses and organisations want to comply with GDPR but struggle to find a suitable solution on the current market – Pinteg is here to change that.
Why invest in Pinteg?
Fact sheet

For more information, get in touch via the form below.
Would you like to become a sales partner or investor?
We look forward hearing from you.
Press Room

Fairity är det första GDPR-verktyget på Fortnox marknadsplats
Pinteg har lanserat sitt GDPR-verktyg, Fairity, på Fortnox marknadsplats som en kompletterande integration för företag som vill ha en helhetslösning för sitt GDPR-arbetet.

Pinteg AB och Moll Wendén Advokatbyrå AB tillkännager samarbete för att höja standarden på dataskyddsarbetet i Sverige
Partnerskapet innebär att Pinteg och Moll Wendén kombinerar sin omfattande expertis och sina resurser för att erbjuda innovativa och heltäckande dataskyddslösningar.

Pinteg säkrar 7 miljoner för sin dataskyddsplattform Fairity
Idag saknar 86% av alla företagsledare en tillfredställande lösning på hur de ska uppfylla GDPR lagen. Pinteg planerar att lösa problemet med innovativa lösningar inom dataskydd.